The first use of solid surfaces is said to date back to the 1880s when it was used in industrial applications. The first time it was used in a residential setting was by Mario Botta and that was in the year 1979. In homes, solid surfaces have been used mainly for worktops and kitchen appliances.
Today, more and more people are moving from conventional materials like stone, marble and granite to solid surfaces. The reason for this is that solid surfaces have a variety of features and benefits that other materials don’t possess.
These pliable surfaces are man-made materials, usually composed of a combination of Alumina Trihydrate (ATH), acrylic, epoxy or polyester resins and pigments. Lately, solid surfaces have started using acrylics rather than polyester as the basis for their fabrication. Polyester is less expensive than acrylic but the newer acrylic-based materials are generally considered of superior quality, although polyester is easier to thermoform (a method of shaping solid surfaces using heat). It is also generally considered that acrylics result in more vibrant colours.
Solid surfaces have a long, illustrious history in worktop manufacture. They have grown as a material in step with the boom in kitchenware design, becoming more popular as they have evolved and become more aesthetically desirable.
Solid surface has finally entered the mainstream, convincing many homeowners that it is just as versatile, durable and easy to care for as any other material. Solid surface is unrivalled in its performance, with the material being non-porous, hygienic and scratch resistant. Solid surface worktops are made from a variety of materials including acrylic, polyethylene and cured glass, allowing for an endless range of colour and texture options.
The latest trends in solid surface are all about incorporating sleek, modern looks with a vintage aesthetic.
Quartz, solid surface and fiberglass are the most widely used materials in all types of commercial building. They are three different names, but they refer to the same thing: a combination of polyester resin and pigments that is then shaped and molded to create countertops, desks or tabletops. Here are some latest trends in solid surface that you should be aware of.
Gone are the days of the standard ceramic tile and linoleum floors. With the latest trends in solid surface, you can give your floor a touch of elegance while also creating a more uniform look throughout your home or business.